The nights continue to get colder here in Boulder. Earlier this week the temperature dipped into the high twenties when I went out to walk the dog early in the morning. If there was any doubt before, there is none now – fall has arrived. And with it, so has our craving for more warm-your-soul foods. Like meatloaf, which we blogged about recently. And cornbread and chili, today’s topic.
I can’t take any credit for this delicious meal we ate recently – it was all Kelli’s doing. She used our GF flour mix to make cornbread muffins, and using her ever-skillful intuition for concocting “dump, don’t measure” recipes on the fly in the kitchen, made a delicious pot of chili. It had tomatoes, kidney beans, ground turkey, red bell pepper, and a blend of herbs and spices.
What are your favorite fall dishes? When it’s cold and rainy or snowy outside, what foods make you want to curl up on the couch under a blanket with a hot bowl of [fill in the blank]? Do tell!
– Pete
Chili is my go-to meal. It is the perfect fall dish. A bowl of chili tastes like home.
Amen to that, Kerrie!