Now that we’re in the heart (and the heat) of summer, the season gets me thinking about fresh salsas. And while a fresh tomato salsa is our tried and true stand by, we also love branching out with others types of salsas, such as this mango-pineapple salsa. It’s a sweet and refreshing salsa that pairs really well with spicy foods (the sweet of the salsa balances the spice), and we especially like it with Caribbean dishes. Best of all, the salsa is straightforward to make: some fresh mango and pineapple, both cubed small; diced red onion; a little bit of jalapeno pepper; some lime juice; some rough chopped cilantro; and a dash of salt and pepper. That’s it!
Have a great weekend…
– Pete
You can tell I was on the road too long … when I first looked at this photo, all I could see was a road sign … no kidding! The shape was right. It could have even said Moose Crossing. LOL 😉
This looks great! One of our members just cut up a tomato, some mango, some onion, and some seasonings (don’t remember what) and mixed them together for our meeting and the results were fantastic. The pineapple-mango-chipotle salsa I had recently was also wonderful. Mango just adds such nice flavor. Of course, pineapple is no slouch in that area either.